Request for BID: Air Compressor at Hillsdale BPU

For New Air compressor at the Hillsdale BPU Power Plant 
The City of Hillsdale will receive sealed proposals at the Office of the City Clerk, Hillsdale City Hall, 97 N. Broad Street, Hillsdale, Michigan 49242 until 3:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 27, 2020 for the Purchase and installation of a new air compressor at the Hillsdale BPU Power Plant 201 Waterworks Dr., Hillsdale, MI  49242. 
The project will require labor, material and equipment to complete the following work: 

Purchase and installation of 1 air compressor
a. capable of producing 110 CFM at 250 PSI
b. 480 volts/3 phase/60 hertz
c. Manual/Automatic Start and Stop
d. V-belt Drive with Multi-Groove Flywheel
e. Large Metal Intake Filter Silencers
f. OSHA Approved Totally Enclosed Belt Guard
g. Magnetic Starter with Control Power 120v Transformer
h. Premium Efficiency DDP Motor
i. Pressure Lube Oil System
Electrical work to be contracted separately by Hillsdale BPU, all other labor, material and equipment for above described Air compressor, purchase and installation, is to be provided by bidder.

Additional information regarding the project can be obtained by contacting:

Chris McArthur, Director of Utilities BPU Offices 
45 Monroe Street 
Hillsdale, MI 49242 
(517) 437-6418